Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Money, money, money, would be funny...

Money is top of my worry list, at this moment. I'm about to get a mortgage to buy the flat I've been renting for the last 13 years - and it's £140,000 worth of debt I'm getting into - and before I can do that, I have to clear my credit card debt too! It never rains, but it pours...

I've even reduced myself to thining how can I sell some of the junk thats lying around my falt - and can I get anything for it - a couple of hundred cd's, piles of comic books, second hand, well thumbed books. I know if I turned to eBay I'd spend more time posting and packaging than making money.

Maybe a second job is the answer - but even a Saturday job wouldn't help me out, it would take me six months to earn enough to pay off my ccards, and I have to find the money by next month!

There's always my Donald Duck money box - if only it had been Uncle Scrooge instead!

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