Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Space Invaders

I found another Space Invader yesterday on my way to the poetry cafe.

I'm trying to learn my poem 'All the girls.." off by heart, so I can 'perform' it at the poetry slam, I think the humour and the length is appropriate. However I'm finding it really hard to learn, it's been years since I've had to learn something off by heart, and as a kid I couldn't understand why you should have too - now that I'm 'performing' I can see the reasoning now, it gives you an ability to engage with your audience, that you don't get when you have a sheet of paper in-between you and the audience. The other thing it gives you is the opportunity to edit your poem again, finding better rhymes, finding more appropriate spaces and pauses, and also what works with the audience and what doesn't.
Last night was a point in fact, that poem, at first, can be misinterpreted as being anti-women, and for some reason last night, the cafe was swamped with women, and with mostly women who haven't been there before - and as I launched into it - all I could see were these frowning faces - it really put me off and I had to resort to reading it from the sheet!

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