Monday, November 27, 2006

The Pudding has landed!

Day 4

Finally, after allowing the pudding to cool, I've taken it out of the tin. It's just like mother used to make! Mum would normally wrap the pudding up in the local newspaper - The Munster express, which was sold out in my local shop - so I thought I'd use my own local newspaper, the Southwark News.

As some of the commentators have tried to claim about the lack of greaseproof paper in the wrapping process - please let me point out, that yes, the pudding is wrapped in greaseproof paper first, then tin foil, and then an outer layer of newspaper!

If your comments are going to be so pedantic, I'm going to take my blog, and go home with it!


Anonymous said...

The pudding was wrapped in greaseproof paper you fool I don't recall the Munster express being used anywhere near the pudding and we grew up in the same house - talk about sentimentality clouding your memory !!!!! GREASEPROOF for the love of god before you ruin it and the memory of our ancestors back to the begining

404 said...

Damn straight! ALL puddings are wrapped in greaseproof (L&N greaseproof for preference - had that wierd brown papery texture you don't get in greaseproof nowadays which is more like tracing paper). The newspaper part only comes in when you're giving a slice to someone to take away and theres no greaseproof or brown paper left in the house! Besides the southwark news is made from really inferior paper and cheap ink compared to the munster - not to mention the myriad of unhygenic ways its stored and sent out!

Lyman said...

well it looks good to me!

Dominic O'Rourke said...

Of course I wrapped it in greaseproof paper - then I wrapped it in newspaper - who's the cook in this family - go back to being served on hand and foot you kitchen-phobic Neanderthal!

and Paul - you should know, the L&N don't stop here any more

404 said...

Take it I'm not getting a slice now?